Sunday, October 18, 2009

32 Weeks!!!

I went to the doctor on Friday and Baby A is appox 4.7 lbs and Baby B is approx 4.15 lbs. They weight more than Joseph did when he was born. Baby B is breeched again, but she could still flip. I am praying that I will make it another 4 weeks or so. This Friday I see my doctor and maybe we will start discussing dates. As for me I am hanging in there. I have horrible carpal tunnel, I have to wear those wrist braces which are helping so much. Matt says that I look like I am going bowling...very funny! My belly measures a little bigger than a singleton belly now, so you can only imagine how huge my poor belly is. If my doctor gives me some news this Friday I will be sure to share. I have uploaded new sonogram pictures.

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