Saturday, December 5, 2009


Emilee and Ella in their crib (Emilee on left, Ella on right)
Beautiful Emilee

Beautiful Ella

Sleeping together (Emilee on left, Ella on right)

Friday, November 20, 2009

3 Days Left!!

So a date has been set for Monday, November 23rd!!!! I only have 3 more nights then two sweet girls will be here. I am so very excited. Everything looks good with them, so hopefully they shouldn't spend any time in the nicu. Hopefully we will all come home on Thanksgiving day. I will make sure that I post pictures and keep everyone informed of how it went. Thank you for all your love and support during the past 8 1/2 months!!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

36 Weeks!!

Well I have made it to 36 weeks. On Friday they measured a little over 6 lbs each. Baby A is still head down but now Baby B's head is under Baby A. So it is very difficult for the Perinatologist to measure. He also did not agree to taking them on the 19th. So now I think the date is the 24th of November. I should get confirmation sometime this week. I was disappointed because not only am I ready to see them but I am also in a lot of pain now. Once I get confirmation on the date I will update my blog, so as of today I have 8 days left!!!! Matt and I are ready!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Me at 34 Weeks

Here is a picture of my belly at 34 weeks. My belly is huge! And I am wearing a black tank top for personal longer will I be able to show my belly. :)

The End is Near!!!

I went to my doctor today and we decided on a date, November 19th!! Unless of course they want to come earlier....but I hope not. That means in two weeks I will be holding two precious baby girls. I am so excited to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Both girls are doing great, they are just smushed in there. Last week they were measured and Baby A is approx. 5.5 lbs and Baby B is appox. 5.12 lbs. And since my stomach hasn't gotten too much bigger since last week, they probably haven't grown too much. I am not sure where they would grow to. If I have a c-section they will probably shoot out like cannon balls and the doctor's will have to catch them, my stomach is so stretched out. :) I don't have any new pictures because they are really difficult to get because of how they are laying. So unless anything new happens I will update next Friday after my appointments.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

33 Weeks!

Yesterday I had both of my doctor appointments. My doctor said that everything is going great. She didn't want to set any dates because I am doing so well so wants me to go into labor on my own. I also only have one more week then I am out of the pre-term labor stage, so that was excellent news. Hopefully in another 4 weeks I will have babies!!! My sonogram doctor only measures them every other week, so next week I will have approximate weights for the girls. And there are no signs of them coming soon! I go again next Friday so I will update again then.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

32 Week Sono Pictures

Below: Baby B Below: Baby A

32 Weeks!!!

I went to the doctor on Friday and Baby A is appox 4.7 lbs and Baby B is approx 4.15 lbs. They weight more than Joseph did when he was born. Baby B is breeched again, but she could still flip. I am praying that I will make it another 4 weeks or so. This Friday I see my doctor and maybe we will start discussing dates. As for me I am hanging in there. I have horrible carpal tunnel, I have to wear those wrist braces which are helping so much. Matt says that I look like I am going bowling...very funny! My belly measures a little bigger than a singleton belly now, so you can only imagine how huge my poor belly is. If my doctor gives me some news this Friday I will be sure to share. I have uploaded new sonogram pictures.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Nursey Photos!

30 Weeks!!!

I am finally at the 30 week mark! I visited my sonogram doctor yesterday and he gave Matt and I great news!!!! Both girls are head down (now they just have to stay that way) and they are above average on weight! Baby A is approximately at 3.6 lbs and Baby B is at 3.16 lbs. My body is holding them very well and he said I should make it pretty far. Now I am just counting down the weeks! Their room is not quite finished yet, but here are some pictures of the progress!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

28 Weeks!

Well last Saturday I hit the 28 week mark!!!! YIPPIE. Last Friday I had a sonogram and Baby A weighs approx 2.8 lbs and Baby B weighs approx 3.4 lbs. I am not driving anymore because it is very uncomfortable, which I don't think I was supposed to be driving for the past 6 weeks. My belly is getting bigger and bigger each week. I am just hoping I can make it another 8 weeks at least! I go to my doctor tomorrow so if she has any new news I will be sure to share it!

Friday, September 11, 2009

27 Week Picture

27 Week Update

Last Friday I went and saw the sonogram specialist and he estimated that Baby A weights about 2lbs 2oz and Baby B is at 2lbs 8oz. Which now it is a week later and I am sure they have grown since then. I go back to him next Friday and should hopefully get an updated weight. They are both doing great! I am however having a hard time doing anything. My belly and my hips are in a lot of pain. I have not been doing much but sitting around and resting. Not too much change lately, the girls are just growing.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

25 Week Sonogram Pictures

(Above) This is Twin A, she is facing us.

(Above) This is Twin B, she is also facing us.

Monday, August 24, 2009

24 Week Sono Pics

(Above) This is a profile picture of Baby B at 24 weeks.

(Above) This is a profile picture of Baby A at 24 weeks, with Baby B's foot in her face!

24 Weeks!!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

23 Weeks Along!!!

I had my doctor appointment this past Thursday, and she put me on moderate bed rest. She feels it necessary because of my severe back pains and contractions, that I need to take it easy. So my short term disability with work begins tomorrow. Whatever I need to do to make sure my babies come into this world healthy and strong.
On Friday I had a sonogram done again, and both girls grew. They are a little over a 1 1/2 lb each. Both of them are breached, which they may or may not turn. The bigger they get the less likely they will turn. I did not get any good pictures. I have to go again this Friday, so hopefully I will either have good pictures or a little video!

Monday, August 10, 2009

August 7th Sonogram Pictures

(Above) Baby A, it was really difficult for him to get a profile of her because she is facing inward and hiding her face with her hand.

(Above) Baby B's profile. You can also see her little hand.

Hospital Visit

On Friday, August 8th, when I woke up at 6 am I have some blood in my urine. Of course the doctors office does not open until 8 am, so I went on to work. When I finally got a hold of a nurse she informed me that my doctor and nurse were on vacation. She asked me a series of questions and mainly because the bleeding had cramps and pressure associated with it she told me to go to Labor and Delivery at the hospital.
Matt, who is so nervous, picked me up from work and took me. They admitted me as an outpatient. The nurse, who was very difficult to understand, asked me questions, found two heart beats, took my blood pressure and then asked me more questions. At 10:15 I had an appointment with a Perinatal Specialist who's office is in the hospital. So in my lovely hospital gown they wheeled me to his office. He was super nice and took me in and we had a sonogram done and found out we are have TWO GIRLS!!!!! They are perfectly healthy and each have 10 finger and 10 toes. Baby A weights about 1 lb. 2 oz. and Baby B weights about 1 lb. 4 oz. He said that everything looks perfect and I could be just over doing it. So I needed to rest and take it easy from now on. When I was rolled back to the outpatient room they released me to go home and rest.
I have my actual doctor appointment this Thursday and I have to go see the sonogram specialist again on Friday. So I am waiting on what my doctor has to say.......

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Unplanned Doctor Appointment

On Sunday morning I woke up with a severe pain in the back of my right leg. I stretched a little because it made it feel better, but nothing seemed to make the pain go away. As the day progressed the pain just moved up my back and into both legs. I could not even stand at church because it hurt so bad. After lunch we came home and we took an afternoon nap (well just Joseph and I slept and Matt rested). After nap we went to my mom's house to go swimming. I thought swimming would help loosen up the muscles, but unfortunately my entire body still hurt.

When we got home, I got another headache, so I took all my pills and went to bed.
The next morning, Monday, I could hardly move, my whole body hurt, my hips were numb and my head was pounding. So I called my doctor's office and I made an appointment for today, Tuesday. Fortunately, my legs don't hurt as bad it is just my back and my headaches come and go as they please.

I saw a nurse practitioner and she said that I may be taking too much calcium. This can cause the body to cramp up. So she lowered my dosage and if the pain goes away I will not have to go get images of my legs to see if I have any blood clots. She told me that my uterus is at about 22 weeks which can also cause me to have severe backaches. I need to get a belly brace to help distribute the weight...exciting! As for my headaches, she prescribed me a low dosage of vicodin, because it is not normal for them to last a week or longer.

I had to have more blood drawn for a glucose test because she detected something in my urine, which it could be from not drinking enough, eating enough or diabetes. Hopefully it isn't the latter. And lastly I am having Braxton Hicks contractions which start earlier in twin pregnancies. So now I am just waiting for my glucose test results to see if I have gestational diabetes. Other than that everything is just normal! I will update with my test results in a couple of days!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

18 Week Sonogram Pics!!

(Above) Baby little girl! She is on her back.

(Above) Baby B, laying face down. You can see the spine from the base of the neck all the way down.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

18 Week Checkup!

Matt and I went to the doctor yesterday and we were able to find out that Baby A is a GIRL!!!!! Baby B was laying funny so she wasn't able to give us a 100% answer on what sex it is. So hopefully in 4 weeks, during my next sonogram, we can find out for sure. My doctor said that I am "text book perfect". Blood pressure, weight and the babies are doing fantastic. Going forward I have to see a High Risk Sonogram doctor. I will go to him every 4 weeks, then as I get closer my visits will increase just like my regular doctor visits do.

I will scan in my updated ultrasound pictures so I can share them with you.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Belly at 13 Weeks!!

16 Weeks Along!!

I am 16 weeks along and growing! I look as if I am about 5 months pregnant. It is amazing how much quicker you begin showing. I am going to be huge at the end.

I can slightly feel the babies move, they are still really small so it feels like little butterflies in my tummy. I never feel the movements at the same time, it is usually one side then the other.

Matt and I ordered and received two cribs and a hutch. They are a beautiful Espresso color. I think it is going to be a tight fit in the room, but there should be quite a bit of storage space. Once everything is put together I will take some pictures.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Beginning!

The day after Joseph's 3rd birthday party, April 6th, I found out I was pregnant!! At the very beginning I noticed a lot of different changes occurring with my body and new this is going to be a different pregnancy than I had with Joseph. But I never expected to find out at my 7 week doctor appointment that my sonogram would show TWINS! OMG! Matt could not be with me because he was in Louisiana, so my mom went with me and the look on her face was priceless! I sent the picture to Matt on my phone and he asked who's twins those were, and I said ours! He couldn't believe it either. It is a moment I will never forget.

My doctor loaded me with information, saying that with twin pregnancies the symptoms are heightened, more cramping, bed rest around 28 weeks, more likely to have a C-section. I was at the doctor's office for about 2 hours just filled with information. I was just in shock and just didn't know where to start.

About 3 weeks later I finally accepted the fact that we were going to have two babies and began to look at the positive side of things. We found websites, books and people to talk to about twins which has eased my mind tremendously.

At 12 weeks I had my second doctor's appointment and Matt was able to go with me this time. He got to see both babies on the sonogram. It is the coolest thing! Baby A was shy and did not want to have it's picture taken, but Baby B was very photogenic.

I have down loaded the sonogram pictures so you can enjoy them as well!

(Above) This is our very first sonogram. As you can see they label the babies, Baby A and Baby B.

(Above)This is Baby A at 12 weeks, face down.

(Above) This is Baby B at 12 weeks, face up with hand in the air.