Saturday, August 29, 2009

25 Week Sonogram Pictures

(Above) This is Twin A, she is facing us.

(Above) This is Twin B, she is also facing us.

Monday, August 24, 2009

24 Week Sono Pics

(Above) This is a profile picture of Baby B at 24 weeks.

(Above) This is a profile picture of Baby A at 24 weeks, with Baby B's foot in her face!

24 Weeks!!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

23 Weeks Along!!!

I had my doctor appointment this past Thursday, and she put me on moderate bed rest. She feels it necessary because of my severe back pains and contractions, that I need to take it easy. So my short term disability with work begins tomorrow. Whatever I need to do to make sure my babies come into this world healthy and strong.
On Friday I had a sonogram done again, and both girls grew. They are a little over a 1 1/2 lb each. Both of them are breached, which they may or may not turn. The bigger they get the less likely they will turn. I did not get any good pictures. I have to go again this Friday, so hopefully I will either have good pictures or a little video!

Monday, August 10, 2009

August 7th Sonogram Pictures

(Above) Baby A, it was really difficult for him to get a profile of her because she is facing inward and hiding her face with her hand.

(Above) Baby B's profile. You can also see her little hand.

Hospital Visit

On Friday, August 8th, when I woke up at 6 am I have some blood in my urine. Of course the doctors office does not open until 8 am, so I went on to work. When I finally got a hold of a nurse she informed me that my doctor and nurse were on vacation. She asked me a series of questions and mainly because the bleeding had cramps and pressure associated with it she told me to go to Labor and Delivery at the hospital.
Matt, who is so nervous, picked me up from work and took me. They admitted me as an outpatient. The nurse, who was very difficult to understand, asked me questions, found two heart beats, took my blood pressure and then asked me more questions. At 10:15 I had an appointment with a Perinatal Specialist who's office is in the hospital. So in my lovely hospital gown they wheeled me to his office. He was super nice and took me in and we had a sonogram done and found out we are have TWO GIRLS!!!!! They are perfectly healthy and each have 10 finger and 10 toes. Baby A weights about 1 lb. 2 oz. and Baby B weights about 1 lb. 4 oz. He said that everything looks perfect and I could be just over doing it. So I needed to rest and take it easy from now on. When I was rolled back to the outpatient room they released me to go home and rest.
I have my actual doctor appointment this Thursday and I have to go see the sonogram specialist again on Friday. So I am waiting on what my doctor has to say.......