Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Unplanned Doctor Appointment

On Sunday morning I woke up with a severe pain in the back of my right leg. I stretched a little because it made it feel better, but nothing seemed to make the pain go away. As the day progressed the pain just moved up my back and into both legs. I could not even stand at church because it hurt so bad. After lunch we came home and we took an afternoon nap (well just Joseph and I slept and Matt rested). After nap we went to my mom's house to go swimming. I thought swimming would help loosen up the muscles, but unfortunately my entire body still hurt.

When we got home, I got another headache, so I took all my pills and went to bed.
The next morning, Monday, I could hardly move, my whole body hurt, my hips were numb and my head was pounding. So I called my doctor's office and I made an appointment for today, Tuesday. Fortunately, my legs don't hurt as bad it is just my back and my headaches come and go as they please.

I saw a nurse practitioner and she said that I may be taking too much calcium. This can cause the body to cramp up. So she lowered my dosage and if the pain goes away I will not have to go get images of my legs to see if I have any blood clots. She told me that my uterus is at about 22 weeks which can also cause me to have severe backaches. I need to get a belly brace to help distribute the weight...exciting! As for my headaches, she prescribed me a low dosage of vicodin, because it is not normal for them to last a week or longer.

I had to have more blood drawn for a glucose test because she detected something in my urine, which it could be from not drinking enough, eating enough or diabetes. Hopefully it isn't the latter. And lastly I am having Braxton Hicks contractions which start earlier in twin pregnancies. So now I am just waiting for my glucose test results to see if I have gestational diabetes. Other than that everything is just normal! I will update with my test results in a couple of days!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

18 Week Sonogram Pics!!

(Above) Baby A....my little girl! She is on her back.

(Above) Baby B, laying face down. You can see the spine from the base of the neck all the way down.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

18 Week Checkup!

Matt and I went to the doctor yesterday and we were able to find out that Baby A is a GIRL!!!!! Baby B was laying funny so she wasn't able to give us a 100% answer on what sex it is. So hopefully in 4 weeks, during my next sonogram, we can find out for sure. My doctor said that I am "text book perfect". Blood pressure, weight and the babies are doing fantastic. Going forward I have to see a High Risk Sonogram doctor. I will go to him every 4 weeks, then as I get closer my visits will increase just like my regular doctor visits do.

I will scan in my updated ultrasound pictures so I can share them with you.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009